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Revelation by Jakob Lorber, the Prophet.
Jakob Lorber Home
Biblical accounts
You can find these pages about Jakob Lorber on
Jakob Lorber, the prophet, mystic and God˙s Scribe of the New Revelation of Jesus
Biblical references of the New Testament on more divine revelations
Organ Donation. Facts to know regarding organ-donation.
Jesus and the Miracles. The immaculate conception.
Finding the right marriage partner, talk of Lord on sexuality.
Mature and immature Souls and their activities in Mankind. Jakob Lorber.
Where do religions come from? love for Humanity.
The nature of God, the Name Jesus, Jakob Lorber.
The detailed Explanation of Gods Order, his Commandments. Jakob Lorber.
The Origin of the New Testament, the Evangelist Matthew.
About life after Death and in the Beyond. Jakob Lorber.
Premature death of Children. Nature and Consequences of Vice.
About suicide, fate of persons who committed suicide.
Prophesy and Return of Jesus, an environmental Catastrophe.
Burial or Cremation, why decompose slowly.
The Death phenomenon. Death can be easy or difficult.
About Prayer, what God wants us to do, praying by acting from Jakob Lorber.
Getting to know Jesus, the eleven year old Jesus at work. Jakob Lorber.
How Angels accompany us, the Nature of Angelsv. Jakob Lorber.
Improving the human brain. Jakob Lorber.
Dreams, Visions and Faces, a huge Prediction. Jakob Lorber.
Why does God tolerate injustice, mischief and war. Jakob Lorber.
The Prehistory of Mankind. Jakob Lorber.
The art of staying healthy with age. Jakob Lorber.
The Nature of the Human Being. Jakob Lorber.
The Universe and Alien Civilizations, Jakob Lorber.
Where do the souls of animals go? Jakob Lorber.
About the Secrets of Our Living Earth, Jakob Lorber.
Books of the New Revelation through the prophet and scribe Jakob Lorber
Themes about the prophet Jakob Lorber.
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