The following is a list of booksby Jakob Lorber with short summaries:
The Household of God (The ancient history of mankind; comprised of God's conversations with the Patriarchs Adam, Seth, Jared and Enoch; the self-induced Flood catastrophe) three volumes
Die Haushaltung Gottes
Earth and Moon (Nature and purpose of Earth and our Moon)
Erde und Mond
Saturn (Nature and purpose of the ring-planet Saturn)
Der Saturn
The Fly (A collection point of life from God; the nature of ether and (sun-) light; a symbol of humility)
Die Fliege
The Grossglockner (The gospel of the mountain; nature and working of nature-spirits (2010, not yet available in English))
Der Großglockner
The Natural Sun (Nature and purpose of our Sun-planet)
Die Natürliche Sonne
The Spiritual Sun (Main work on the hereafter) 2 volumes
Die Geistige Sonne
Interpretation of the Scriptures (Jesus explains Bible-passages)
The Childhood of Jesus (The life of Jesus' youth-history up to 30 years of age)
Die Jugend Jesu
Paul´s Letter to the Assembly of the Laodiceans (Colossians 4:16; The decline of Jesus´ pure teachings)
Paulus´ Brief an die Gemeinde in Laodizea
Correspondence between Abgarus Uchama, Prince of Edessa, and Jesus of Nazareth
(Abgarus´ 7 letters to Jesus and His answers)
Der Briefwechsel Jesu mit König Abgarus von Edessa
Beyond the Threshold (How 10 different people experience their earthly death and the beginning of their lives in the ´beyond´)
Jenseits der Schwelle
Sunsets into Sunrises (The great hereafter-leadership of a Catholic Bishop)
Bischof Martin
From Heaven to Hell (The great hereafter-leadership of (politician, revolutionist) Robert Blum) 2 volumes
Von der Hölle bis zum Himmel
Three Days in the Temple (The discussions of the 12 year old Jesus with the scribes in the temple of Jerusalem)
Die drei Tage im Tempel
The Great Gospel of John (Word for word narration of Jesus' three years of apprenticeship! Through this literal unfolding we can witness the three years on earth, as if we had been there just like Peter) 10 German volumes
Das große Evangelium Johannes
The following are thematic collections: Nun folgen Thematische Zusammenstellungen:
The Lord´s Book of Life and Health (A selection of advice to the health of body and soul)
Heilung und Gesundheitspflege
The Path to Spiritual Rebirth (The highest goal of all spiritual efforts)
Weg zur Wiedergeburt
The Second Coming of Christ (Jesus´ predictions for our times)
Die Wiederkunft Christi
The Presence of Christ (A comparative study of the New Revelation and New Testament)
Gegenwart Christ
The Lord Speaks (A selection from the Great Gospel of John)
Der Herr spricht
The Children´s-Realm in the Beyond (The portray the life of early-deceased children in the hereafter)
Das Jenseitige Kinderreich
The wide-ranging (6 part) introductory-volume by Kurt Eggenstein: "The Prophet Jakob Lorber Predicts Coming Catastrophes and the True Christianity"
Das Einführungsbuch von Kurt Eggenstein (ca. 500 Seiten)
The 3 introductory-volumes by Dr. Walter Lutz: "The Fundamental Principles of Life"
Einführungsbuch von Walter Lutz: Die Grundfragen des Lebens
I now wish you much enjoyment when reading!
Nun wünsche ich Ihnen viel Freude beim Lesen!
In order to facilitate an entry into the wealth of the new Revelation by Jesus to the prophet Jacob Lorber,
I briefly describe here a selected number of topics, provided with text excerpts.
- The Universe and Alien Civilizations
- About the Secrets of Our Living Earth
- Where do the souls of animals go?
- The Prehistory of Mankind (the story of Adam & Eve)
- The Nature of the Human Being
- The art of staying healthy with age
- Improving the human brain
- Why does God tolerate injustice, mischief and war?
- Dreams, Visions and Faces
- About Prayer
- How Angels accompany us
- Getting to know Jesus
- Prophesy and Return of Jesus
- The Death phenomenon
- Burial or Cremation
- About life after Death and in the Beyond
- About suicide
- Premature death of Children
- The nature of God
- The Origin of the New Testament
- The detailed Explanation of God’s Order, His Commandments
- Finding the right marriage partner
- Where do religions come from?
- Mature and immature Souls and their activities in Mankind
- Jesus and the Miracles
- Organ Donation
Books of the New Revelation through the prophet and scribe Jakob Lorber
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